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In Proctor’s own words: “I was born during the frontier period of the United States and grew up in Colorado in the best of it. It colored my life and influenced me greatly. I would not change my life for any other, but my love has always been divided. I am eternally obsessed with two deep desires—one, to spend as much time as possible in the wilderness, and the other, to accomplish something worthwhile in art. With a fine wife as inspiration in my work and as companion in the wilderness, with a fine family of children, and with good friends, my cup has been full to overflowing. It is now September, and the hunter’s moon is up. I must put my tools away and get ready for another hunt. After that I’ll get back to work.”

The Ricketts Art Foundation, The Buffalo Bill Center of the West, and the Proctor Family Foundation proudly present Alexander Phimister Proctor: Sculptor in Buckskin.

Extensive research of Proctor’s life and body of work by his grandson, Phimister Proctor “Sandy” Church, has been the impetus in creating this Online Catalogue. We represent eleven sculptures here as published in The Best of Proctor’s West: An In-Depth Study of Eleven of Proctor’s Bronzes. These iconic pieces are but a small fraction of Proctor’s works held in public and private collections.

Additional information and artwork will be included in the Online Catalogue as Sandy’s research is carried forward.

A Tribute to Phimister Proctor “Sandy” Church (1937 – 2022)

For information on the companion publication to the Online Catalogue please see The Best of Proctor’s West: An In-Depth Study of Eleven of Proctor’s Bronzes on the Bibliography page of this site.


